This image from an acrylic painting evolved from several days Monte Dolack spent in Arles, an ancient Roman city in the Provence region of France. He stayed not far from the place where Vincent Van Gogh's yellow house stood during his time in Arles in 1888-89 where he made many of his best works. The nearby lion sculptures still stand before the bridge, which was bombed by the allies to halt the Nazi advance during World War II. The monumental stone lions gaze toward where Van Gogh's house stood which was also a casualty of the war. The resulting painting was inspired by a neighborhood cat see lounging on the nearby ancient city walls. Along with early morning photos and sketches, Monte added undulating cypresses symbolizing the spiritual and philosophical presence of Van Gogh. This painting is part of the "French Suite" of four images, the other three prints in this suite are Provencal Cafe, Burgundy Fields and Burgundy Chapel.