Monte Dolack Fine Art

Western Tanagers - Ornithology Conference

By Monte Dolack

Image size: 24.75" x 18"
Year: 1994
Paper size: 32" x 22"


All posters are now available exclusively from Frame of Mind. Please purchase posters on their website. All other artwork is available on this website.

This poster of flying western tanagers in Glacier National Park was created for the North American Ornithological Conference in conjunction with American Ornithologists Union, Cooper Ornithological Society and the Wildon Ornithological Society for the First Trout Meeting of Montana, 1994.

It was reproduced from an acrylic painting and is also available signed.

This poster is also available in a version created for Glacier Park.



Monte Dolack Fine Art — features the art work of Montana artists Monte Dolack and Mary Beth Percival.